The Proof by Googol (2) Numbers and Mathematic
Mathematic threads numbers without any limit, up to infinity and beyond. Ultrafinitism, by refuting this “right”, isn’t it mistaken?
Symbols, signs, semantics…
Mathematic threads numbers without any limit, up to infinity and beyond. Ultrafinitism, by refuting this “right”, isn’t it mistaken?
In the footsteps of the mathematician-philosopher René Thom, we set out to meet these “singularities” that seem to escape the digital grip.
Why are there so few women in the higher reaches of mathematics? Review of this old and difficult question.
Autopoiesis, enaction and possibility of an artificial life … The lessons of the philosopher and neurobiologist Francisco Varela.
Puissance & Raison is a kind of “exploration notebook” about the new digital world questioning what resists, what capitulates. Here some insights…
A daring parallel brings us back to Babylonian times. Do our algorithms play a role comparable to the old clay tablets?
Liu Hui, 3rd century Chinese mathematician, overcame one of the first mathematical “monsters”: the irrational number.